Toxic mould at homes

Mould at home: why it appears and how to get rid of it

The humidity and mould inside a house can harm the health of the people living there. In this article, we will discuss the reasons for mould and moisture’s appearance, their adverse effects, and essential tips to combat their presence and harmful effects effectively.

Part of our job is to remove black stains that often appear in tile joints, bathroom wall and ceiling corners, glass surfaces, cracks, and other areas prone to accumulating these marks. Remember that mould is a common organic organism that is ubiquitous in nature. And so we can never entirely eliminate it. But we can manage its harmful effects.

Mould at home and the human immune system

The little microscopic mould spores affect our health and, in great numbers, overwhelm our immune systems. Our goal is not to obsessively eliminate every blemish in our homes that could be mould but to ensure we don’t have excessive amounts that can overwhelm our immune systems. It’s not really about complete mould eradication but rather mould management.

How is mould produced?

Many studies related to the subject try to clarify the reason for the appearance of mould inside houses. Among the most important are:

– Construction failures and poor-quality construction materials

– Home maintenance, broken amenities

– Inadequate ventilation and heating equipment

– Poor indoor air quality

– Behavior of the occupants inside the homes

– Climatic factors such as rain and humidity

– Rising damp

– Underground river systems

– Excessive rain

– Lack of direct sunlight

The high humidity in the Australian environment leads to excess condensation, which often results in the spread of mould. This is particularly common in bathrooms and on glass surfaces. We usually underestimate the potential health risks associated with mould. Out of sight is not out of the body, sadly, when it comes to microscopic and hence unseen toxins – both natural and inorganic. And these things we can’t see, in this case, microscopic mould spores, can harm us.

Australian houses are highly vulnerable to relative humidity for various reasons.

• Lack of natural ventilation in basements and ceilings.

• Opening windows to cool rooms on warm, humid days.

• Buildings not adequately sealed or mechanically ventilated.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, many people spent more time indoors, leading to a more sedentary indoor lifestyle. As such, the quality of the indoor air is more crucial than ever.

Adverse health effects

Australia has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world, with one in nine Australians experiencing asthma symptoms. It has been proven that factors such as humidity, mould, dust mites, and poor indoor air quality can significantly impact health, leading to respiratory issues, allergies, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, rhino-conjunctivitis and other diseases in children and adults. Additionally, these factors can also contribute to depressive symptoms, sadness, and pain. Even more subtle but painful occurrences like headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes and runny noses can result from mould.

How to manage house mould

We acknowledge that climatic, structural, and mechanical factors are key determinants for spreading mould and dust mites at home, but the residents play a crucial role in preventing their proliferation. Diligent and mindful cleaning significantly reduces the presence of mould in homes. But special attention must be given to ensuring your vacuum cleaner can catch these tiny spores through its filter system, meaning a HEPA-grade vacuum cleaner at the least.

Below, we provide some tips for you to consider and implement when dealing with this issue in various areas:

– Regularly clean all areas of the home by vacuuming (HEPA grade), dusting, washing, and wiping exposed areas, with special attention given to bathrooms and kitchens.

– Use natural cleaning products and avoid bleach, as it does not directly kill all germs, allowing them to reappear. Also, the toxins in certain products can be as harmful as and even worse than the organic toxins we are trying to combat.

– Ensure sufficient light by opening curtains and blinds to let sunlight in.

– Keep the exhaust fan on in bathrooms, kitchens, and basements to eliminate steam.

– Use moisture absorbers in basements, closets, or areas without proper ventilation.

– Always keep your windows and cupboards clean and dry.

Keep in mind that leaks in pipes, especially in closed spaces, indoor plants that require regular watering, and fish tanks, can contribute to mould growth.

1800 CLEANER is a company that specializes in treating and eliminating mould in homes. Our highly trained team, equipped with special tools, is ready to help you combat mould in your home. Don’t hesitate to contact us to transform your home into a mould-free environment, allowing you to live in a pleasant and healthy space. To live your life to the fullest.


What are the benefits of deep cleaning?

This article aims to inform homeowners about the benefits of deep cleaning for a healthier living environment and a more orderly and peaceful life.

Conducting a deep clean at least once a year is vitally important for the health of your home and mental well-being. A house that looks orderly and clean, with everything in its place, creates a nice image. However, all that glitters is not gold, and the surface appearance is not always what counts. Hidden dust can frustrate future cleaning efforts and make the home’s health and general vibe harder to live with.

Deep cleaning goes beyond conventional superficial surface cleaning. The ultimate objective is to eliminate fine dust particles and, in this way, transform your home into a dust-free environment. This approach generates multiple benefits for your health. Among them:

An imminent improvement in the quality of the air you breathe.

It is notable and palpable that our clients experience a feeling of freshness and renewal every time they enter their homes. This phenomenon is most pronounced after a deep cleaning service performed by 1800 CLEANER. We clean air conditioning filters, move furniture, and use ladders to remove hidden dust. This unseen dust hides in the most difficult-to-access spaces and leaks out. Our team follows a scientific method and an extensive cleaning approach, synchronised with the help of negative ions and HEPA Air Filters throughout the day. This approach allows us to remove up to 97% of micro-dust particles down to 30 microns in size. This is infinitesimally small and captures the excess of micro-particles, pollutants, allergens and irritants that bombard our immune systems in our homes and can exacerbate and even cause health issues.

Reduction of the spread of allergens and irritability.

Let’s consider a typical scenario: the dust we encounter daily is contaminated with dust mite fecal particles and cast skins. Insufficient hygiene and living with too much dust can lead to severe allergy symptoms, such as asthma, sneezing, and watery eyes. However, a professionally executed deep clean can eliminate a significant portion of this harmful dust, improving air quality and reducing these health issues. Imagine waking up without sneezing fits or being able to breathe easier due to cleaner air. These are the tangible benefits of deep cleaning.

A well done deep cleaning generates multiple benefits for your health.

Prevents the appearance and spread of mould.

Deep cleaning reduces moisture and organic matter that can contribute to the growth of mould and mildew and also draws more mould spores out of the environment. Addressing these issues regularly can prevent potential health hazards and maintain a healthier living environment.

Contributes to the order and revitalisation of spaces.

Through decluttering, environments are transformed into minimalist spaces with more potential for use and walkability. It also eases the mind to live in an orderly, clear space. The problem with clutter is that it allows dust to congregate, generates large clouds of indoor dust, and blocks spaces. After deep cleaning, the environment is transformed into an enjoyable, livable, fresh, and inviting space.

Enhanced mental well-being.

This is the aspect we are most passionate about. We want to underline the significant role deep cleaning can play in enhancing our quality of life. A well-organised home helps to ward off feelings of depression, distraction, and lethargy, and aids in establishing focus and improving concentration. Refreshed and rejuvenated spaces contribute to enhancing the quality of our activities within our home. The feeling of tranquillity and relaxation is unparalleled when the environment is conducive to good health, with transparent and open spaces in good, clean conditions.

Our service is backed by a team of highly trained professionals adept at delivering spectacular results using advanced and scientific cleaning methods and a cleaning process that took over 35 years to perfect. These are not empty promises but iron-clad guarantees. The team at 1800 CLEANER know how to transform your home into a clean, refreshed, and easy-to-maintain space through a deep spring clean with micro-dust extraction. We only use non-toxic products and the latest equipment to eliminate 97% of the dust surrounding you, leaving your home healthier and far more supportive of an orderly, peaceful and joyous life.

Article by Lucila Aidar of 1800 CLEANER




Choose the non-toxic Inner West cleaners that have been keeping local homes healthy and dust-free for decades

Cleaning for allergies: creating a home environment for allergy sufferers

For allergy sufferers, creating a living space with minimal dust, microscopic irritants, and allergens is crucial. At 1800 CLEANER, we aim to eliminate 97% of hidden micro-dust in your home to enhance your quality of life.

We understand that dust is one of the leading allergens found indoors. This dust is usually contaminated with dust mite fecal particles and cast skins. These micro-irritants can cause various allergic reactions, including asthma, eczema, fever, sneezing, watery eyes, and depression. It can also contribute to a sense of disorder and generally being ill at ease.

At 1800 CLEANER, we aim to inform you about the significance of minimising fine particulate dust in your home. There are several purported ways to reduce it, but not all of them are efficient when it comes to eliminating the main culprit – microscopic particle dust. This invisible dust goes airborne when we disturb it, so it usually evades our best cleaning methods. We have to clean deeply and thoroughly to combat allergies caused by dust and to simultaneously clean the air and combat the dreaded “dust-drop effect.”

Older homes versus new homes

In older homes, the probability of finding accumulated dust in spaces that you wouldn’t typically think of is high. For instance, furniture and objects that haven’t been moved in years, unwashed curtains, cluttered bookshelves, fans that have never been cleaned since installation, and air conditioners with clogged filters, among other hidden dust traps.

Allergy cleaners who know how to get the airborne dust to settle is crucial

Allergy cleaners who know how to get the airborne dust to settle is crucial


It is incorrect to assume that new homes are free from large amounts of micro-dust. Various construction workers use different tools and materials during the construction process, creating tiny particles that settle everywhere. Deep cleaning, carried out by a professional with the appropriate equipment to eliminate the greatest amount of dust, is crucial to ensure a high-quality environment for your new life.

Why you should hire professional cleaners

At 1800 CLEANER, we have over 35 years of experience in micro-dust cleaning. As a result, we use the latest technology and equipment and a specially trained team to create a dust and toxin-free environment, which is so crucial to the well-being of the inhabitants, particularly for allergy sufferers.

If a member of your family is an allergy sufferer, you should evaluate the cleanliness of your home immediately. Daily cleaning is not enough, as dust accumulates in many other areas, causing an unhealthy home environment and generating allergy symptoms. And a strategy for eliminating the airborne micro-dust is essential.

We offer a deep cleaning treatment that will leave your home spectacularly clean and easier to maintain. To maintain this level of cleanliness, we provide regular cleaning services every two weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a free quote to improve your quality of life.



Michael Sweet Window Cleaning Sydney

How to live dust-free in Sydney

Do you ever think about dust? What about air pollution? Living in a busy and vibrant city like Sydney, we sometimes neglect other aspects of our daily lives that are important to improving our quality of life, like having a healthy, dust-free home. When we think about air pollution, we rarely consider the indoor air pollution in the area where we spend most of our lives – our homes.

At 1800 CLEANER, when we talk about dust-free cleaning challenges, we refer to small habits of order and cleanliness that can transform our quality of life. We primarily focus on your indoor air quality and your dream of living in a dust-free house.

1800 CLEANER understands the problem of how hard it is to remove fine particle dust well. Further, we know how to tackle those spaces in our homes that we may not pay enough attention to when cleaning ourselves. Therefore, these dirty corners become spaces that accumulate dust, clutter, and stagnant energy. After a considerable amount of time without cleaning and tidying these spaces, micro-biotoxins can accumulate and begin to cause damage to our health. This article details the adverse effects on our health if we live in an unhealthy environment.

Top five dust-free cleaning challenges we must overcome to keep our homes impeccable all year round:

High-traffic areas

The busiest spaces in houses, such as entrances, bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms, can collect significant amounts of dust, hair, and other particles that we bring in from the outside and the dust we can generate ourselves.

Our advice is to always try to keep these spaces tidy and clear, carry out regular dusting at least once a week, and vacuum to avoid the accumulation of hair, dust, and other particles that may settle there. Accept that much of the dust will float with traditional cleaning approaches. Therefore, consider closing all windows and doors and letting the dust settle before collecting it with a damp microfibre cloth. Then, after this, commence your cleaning routine.


The furniture we have at home can provide challenges to our cleaning efforts. Under and behind furniture creates spaces that are very susceptible to the accumulation of dust. Places we use to store our clothes and shoes or those that we do not use regularly but serve as storage to store things that do not accompany us in everyday life present separate challenges. In a nutshell, the more stuff we have, the more places the dust can hide. So open and easy-to-clean spaces are essential.

Pay close attention to these spaces. Let’s always try to keep them organised in the most minimalist way possible and pay special attention to the high surfaces that are difficult to reach above, below and behind. Remember that the more minimalistic the spaces we live in, the better our ability to clean them regularly. With regular dusting and a microfiber cloth moistened with non-toxic cleaning products, we can reduce the accumulation of dust.

dust-free living

The challenges to living dust-free in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs by 1800 CLEANER

Mould and mildew in humid areas

Damp areas in the home, such as bathrooms and basements, especially if they do not have proper ventilation, are prone to mould and mildew growth. If we can’t achieve access to ventilation, let’s keep those areas as orderly as possible without excessive clutter accumulation. A dehumidifier can help extract excess air moisture, denuding these biotoxins of their sustenance and inhibiting their growth. Let’s pay special attention to regular cleaning with eco-friendly products.

Clutter accumulation

Keeping our belongings in order and in the right place is essential. The accumulation of objects and belongings on surfaces is not a good idea since, in this way, we tend to accumulate dust on them. These surfaces quickly turn ugly, and we avoid cleaning them well. And so the dream of a dust-free house further eludes us.

They end up generating a breeding ground for germs and micro-nasties that contribute to affecting our health. Let’s pay close attention to unnecessary objects like decorations and picture frames and ensure you can get behind the TVs and tidy router cables, dusting behind and under the furniture. These items make us hesitant to clean thoroughly, and there’s no point in having excessive decorations if they’re dirty and untidy. It defeats the purpose.

As a top dust-free cleaning challenge, let’s always try to have a house that is as minimalist as possible. Let’s reorganise the spaces and keep the things that are not helpful now in boxes. We can then archive them in a cool and safe place outside of the home. If this is impossible, put them in clear plastic stackable clutter boxes. These can then be stacked against a wall for easy moving and cleaning behind and above. In this way, we can have better control and clean more comfortably with the help of a duster, damp microfiber cloths and HEPA-grade vacuum.

Rugs and carpets cleaning

Many homes tend to have carpeted rooms. The use of rugs in rooms is also widespread. Our dust-free cleaning challenge promotes the idea that in bedrooms, try first to avoid having an excess of furniture pieces so they become inaccessible to be cleaned underneath and behind since, in general, these are the areas that accumulate the most hair, dirt, and dust. Let’s vacuum regularly in all corners of the room, under and behind the furniture and beds. We can move rugs, air them outside and vacuum them regularly.

Adopting these small, manageable habits can help with the unique challenges of cleaning at home. 1800 CLEANER is a residential cleaning company that has developed a distinctive and specialised cleaning technique with dedicated and trained cleaners and state-of-the-art cleaning equipment that captures more physical debris and airborne dust, dramatically reducing microscopic contaminant levels in your home and workplace.



EVO 0854

Maintain a spotless home with the help of Sydney’s leading cleaning company

In today’s busy world, keeping a clean and healthy home can be tough. We’re all juggling work, family, and social life, which means house cleaning often gets pushed aside. It’s a common struggle: you want a neat and tidy home, but finding the time and energy for thorough cleaning is hard. The Sydney’s Leading Cleaning Company is here to take the first step towards a more relaxed and enjoyable home life.

Having a clean home is more than just about looking good. It’s a key part of staying healthy and feeling at peace. Your home is where you make memories, relax, and feel safe. But let’s be honest, deep cleaning takes a lot of time and effort, and with everything else going on, it’s not easy to fit it into a busy schedule.

That’s where professional cleaning services come in. They’re a big help for those of us with a lot on our plates. In Sydney, 1800 CLEANER is known for doing just this. We focus on turning your home into a spotless place where you can enjoy your time without worrying about cleaning chores. Our goal is to make your life easier, so you can concentrate on what’s most important to you.

The importance of using Sydney house cleaning services

The significance of professional cleaning extends far beyond mere aesthetic appeal; it is vital for maintaining both physical health and mental well-being. Homes are prone to the accumulation of dust, allergens, and bacteria, which can have detrimental effects on health, especially for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions. Professional cleaning services offer a comprehensive approach to home cleanliness, addressing these concerns effectively.

  •  Health and Comfort

Professional cleaners go beyond surface-level tidiness. They employ deep cleaning techniques that target and eliminate harmful allergens and bacteria. This thorough cleaning is essential for creating a healthier living environment, particularly beneficial for homes with young children, elderly inhabitants, or people with sensitive health conditions.

  • Psychological Benefits

A clean and organised home environment has a profound impact on mental health. Clutter and disorder can contribute to stress and anxiety. In contrast, a professionally cleaned and well-maintained space promotes a sense of order and tranquillity, fostering a more peaceful and stress-free living environment.

  • Time-Saving and Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a valuable resource. Professional cleaning saves significant time and effort that might otherwise be spent on cleaning tasks. With specialised skills and equipment, professional cleaners achieve more thorough and efficient cleaning results, freeing up personal time for work, leisure, and family activities.

Why choose 1800 CLEANER for Sydney house cleaning services?

At 1800 Cleaner, we are more than just a cleaning service; we are your partners in maintaining a healthy, clean home. Our team of skilled professionals uses state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to deliver impeccable results. We pride ourselves on our reliability, attention to detail, and outstanding customer service.

Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of cleaning services, including:

Each service is carried out with the utmost professionalism and respect for your home and privacy.

Our cleaning process

Our cleaning process is meticulous and thorough. It involves:

  1. Initial Assessment: We start with an assessment of your space to identify specific cleaning needs.
  2. Customised Plan: Based on the assessment, we create a tailored cleaning plan.
  3. Deep Cleaning: Our team performs a deep clean, focusing on every corner, surface, and hidden area.
  4. Quality Check: After cleaning, we conduct a quality check to ensure every spot is sparkling.

We use environmentally friendly cleaning agents and the latest technology to ensure a safe and effective clean.

Customer testimonials and success stories

Don’t just take our word for it; our satisfied customers speak volumes about our services. From busy professionals to families, our clients appreciate the difference 1800 CLEANER makes in their lives.

Client Testimonial Trevor.D

Our beloved clients dazzled every time we visit their homes

Customised cleaning plans

We understand that every home is unique, which is why we offer customised cleaning plans. Whether you need a weekly cleaning service or a one-off deep clean, we have a plan that suits your schedule and specific needs. Our flexible services are designed to work around your lifestyle.

Commitment to excellence

Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of our service. Our cleaners are not only experienced but also continuously trained in the latest cleaning techniques and safety protocols. We aim to exceed your expectations with every clean.

Health and safety protocols

Health and safety are at the forefront of our services. Our team follows strict protocols, ensuring that every cleaning session is conducted with the highest standards of hygiene and care. We use safe, non-toxic cleaning agents and practise all recommended safety measures.

How to book a cleaning service

Booking with 1800 CLEANER is easy and convenient. Just visit our website or give us a call, and our friendly customer service team will guide you through the process. We offer flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.


1800 CLEANER team


When you choose 1800 CLEANER, you’re choosing a lifestyle of ease, cleanliness, and well-being. Our team is not just about cleaning; we’re about making your life simpler and healthier. We understand that every home and every person is different, which is why we offer customised cleaning plans. Whether you need a regular tidy-up or a deep clean, we’re here to cater to your specific needs with our skilled professionals.

Our commitment to excellence is what sets us apart. We’re not just another cleaning service; we’re a team that cares about the details and quality of our work. We use the latest cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products to ensure that your home is not just clean, but also safe and welcoming.

We believe that a clean home is the foundation of a happy life. It’s about creating a space where you can relax, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything is taken care of. Our goal is to free up your time so that you can focus on what truly matters to you, whether that’s pursuing hobbies, spending time with family, or just relaxing.

At 1800 CLEANER, we’re dedicated to providing an exceptional cleaning experience that goes beyond just a service. We’re about building relationships with our clients, understanding their needs, and delivering results that exceed expectations. So, for a home that’s cleaner, healthier, and happier, let 1800 CLEANER be your choice. Contact us today, and take the first step towards a more relaxed and enjoyable home life.


1800 CLEANER - Where cleaning meets science

Michael Sweet, founder of 1800 CLEANER| WWW.1800CLEANER.COM.AU

House cleaning service 1800 CLEANER

A 10-step guide to Inner West Sydney spring cleaning

Spring is the perfect time to declutter, clean, organise and refresh your Inner-West Sydney apartment. With winter waning and warmer weather on its way, it’s time to say farewell to the winter blues. And with an Aussie summer just weeks away, now is the perfect time to welcome a clean and rejuvenated living space into your world. Follow this step-by-step guide made by the best Inner West Sydney cleaners to make your spring cleaning process effective, efficient and possibly even enjoyable.

Step 1: Set a clear plan and goals

Highly recommend having a clear plan and setting goals for your spring clean before diving in. What do you want to achieve?

Firstly, assess each room in your apartment and determine the areas that need the most attention. Define your objectives: deep cleaning, decluttering, becoming a minimalist, or all. A little planning can save a lot of time in wasted cleaning effort when undertaking your spring clean. Since most Inner-West Sydney apartments have limited space, consider which room you can sacrifice as a storage space. This enables you to take a minimalist approach to the rest of your Inner West apartment.

To keep your storage neat and tidy, use clear plastic boxes and sort them by themes. This way, your storage space will be clean, organised, and easy to take care of. That way, you can delve into the details later and take it one box at a time when you have the time and energy.

Step 2: Declutter and donate

Start by decluttering each room one by one. Sort items into categories: keep, donate, look-at-later, or dispose of. Identify things you no longer need or use and set them aside for donation. Decluttering reduces visual clutter and creates a sense of order, spaciousness and peace.

Step 3: Dust and clean from top to bottom

Dust loves to float and accumulates in hard-to-reach places, so start by dusting vigorously from top to bottom. Ceiling fans, light fixtures, and bookshelves need special attention, as does under the bed and in the hidden corners. Allow the dust a little time to settle before returning later to wipe everything down.

To collect more dust in your apartment, especially in the inner west, use a damp cloth. When you wipe dust with a dry cloth during spring cleaning, it tends to float. Dust tends to float when you wipe it with a dry cloth during spring cleaning.

Work your way down, cleaning surfaces, windows, and mirrors – clean door frames, baseboards, and skirting boards. Don’t forget to clean and vacuum under furniture after moving it, as dust can hide in these ignored areas.

Step 4: Deep spring clean kitchen and bathrooms

The kitchen and bathrooms are typically high-traffic areas and require extra attention. To remove more bacteria and impurities, it is better to wash and scrub bathrooms and kitchens with warm water rather than dry-wiping them. And they look and smell much better afterwards as well.

In the kitchen, deep-clean appliances such as the oven, refrigerator, and microwave. Scrub down countertops, sinks, and tiles. Pay special attention to the bathroom, disinfecting the toilet, bathtub, and shower area.

Step 5: Refresh fabrics and soft furnishings

Wash or dry clean your curtains, drapes, and bedding. Vacuum and refresh upholstery and cushions.

To refresh your cushions and upholstery, remove the covers and wash them. Then, dry them in the sun for a fresh feeling. Rearrange furniture and add new decorations to freshen up your inner west apartment during spring cleaning.

Step 6: Organise and maximise storage space

Assess your storage needs and maximise space in your inner west apartment during your spring clean. Buy storage items like shelves, baskets, and organisers. Stack them against a wall and sort through them later.

In that way, clutter does not impede your progress, as you can pour it into the clutter boxes to deal with later. Dispose of unnecessary items and designate a specific place for everything you own in broad categories.

Step 7: Clean floors and carpets

Give your floors and carpets a deep clean with a powerful HEPA-grade vacuum cleaner. Wash your floors with hot water and a microfiber mop. Consider getting your carpets professionally cleaned to remove deep-seated dirt and stains.

Step 8: Embrace green cleaning products

Use environmentally friendly cleaning products whenever and whenever you can. Chemical-free alternatives are safer for you, your family, your pets, and the environment. You can use household items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon as effective and natural cleaning solutions. At the least, avoid highly toxic products.

Step 9: Establish cleaning routines

Plan out a cleaning routine that suits your lifestyle to maintain a clean and organised living space. Schedule specific times each week for cleaning tasks that align with your energy levels and motivation. Keep your apartment clean and organised all year round for a peaceful and calm living environment.

Step 10: Reward yourself

After completing your spring clean in your inner west apartment, reward yourself with something you enjoy. Treat yourself to a day out, relax with a book, get a massage, take a bath or nap in your newly refreshed living space. You deserve it.

You can make cleaning your apartment in inner west Sydney easier and more enjoyable by following these steps. Declutter, clean, and organise to create a tidy, peaceful home that you’ll enjoy returning to. Begin the season well and experience the advantages of a lovely, neat, and well-arranged flat in the inner west.

And if it all gets too much, hire Inner West cleaning experts

Spring cleaning your Inner West Sydney apartment may seem daunting, but following these steps can make the process both efficient and enjoyable. By decluttering, deep cleaning, and organising, you’ll create a clean, orderly and rejuvenating living space you’ll love coming home to. Start the season on the right foot and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful, tidy and organised inner west apartment.



1800 CLEANER House Cleaning Professionals

House cleaners Sydney residents trust to deliver dust-free homes

Have you ever experienced the frustrating phenomenon of dust reappearing in the days after you have paid for a Sydney house cleaner to spend many hours cleaning your house? Many people attribute this to the notion that new dust from outside continuously enters their homes. However surprising as it may sound, we estimate that the dust from outside accounts for less than 3% of the dust found within our homes each week. Before we explain why this happens, let’s describe this phenomenon as the “dust-drop effect”. Once you fully understand why this happens, you will be better equipped to find a solution. While many believe that finding effective and reliable house cleaners in Sydney is the answer, the sad truth is that only some cleaning companies understand fine particle dust and are equipped to remove it. This article will explain why.

Understanding the “dust-drop” effect

Dust is a ubiquitous and pervasive problem that affects our indoor living environment. Its composition varies widely, including dirt, debris, skin cells, pet dander, pollen, environmental pollutants, microscopic organisms and their feces. Dust particles can quickly become airborne and settle on various surfaces, making cleaning an ongoing battle for many homeowners. Even worse, cleaning can send many microscopic dust particles airborne, where they can stay suspended for up to five days.

The myth of “new dust”

Contrary to popular belief, most household dust we see daily is not new dust entering our homes from the outside. This dust primarily comprises the same microscopic dust in our homes we deal with every week, recirculating and re-accumulating despite our best cleaning efforts. While a significant portion of the dust within our living spaces comes from the breakdown of materials already present, much of this dust recirculates when we clean it and becomes airborne again when we disturb it. It’s primarily not new dust; it’s mainly the same old dust as before. Dust we only ever partially get rid of.

This phenomenon includes fabric fibres, furniture, carpets, and even our skin, which the naked eye cannot see during cleaning as it individuates. Furthermore, dust particles can circulate within our homes when our HVAC systems distribute them through the air vents, exacerbating the problem and causing various health issues for the house’s inhabitants.

House cleaners in Sydney

House cleaners in Sydney – 1800 CLEANER

The role of expert house cleaners in Sydney

Given the persistence of dust and its impact on our indoor air quality, seeking professional help becomes crucial. House cleaners in Sydney are vital in helping residents maintain a clean and dust-free living environment. However, it’s important to note that even the best-intentioned Sydney house cleaners struggle to eliminate all the dust. When we disturb dust, we create an electrostatic electrical charge that makes the fine dust particles individuate and repel one another. These already lighter-than-air particles then become airborne and can stay suspended in the air for up to five days as their charge dissipates. Professionals with the knowledge, skills, and industry-grade equipment are emerging to tackle even the most stubborn dust problems. The great news is that cleaning fortnightly in a dust-free house achieves a superior result to weekly traditional cleaning, both during, after and especially in between bouts of cleaning.

Specialised techniques

Experienced house cleaners who emphasise removing microscopic dust are a godsend to the modern family. They employ a specialised cleaning sequence, techniques, and equipment to eliminate dust from every nook and cranny of your home. From thorough vacuuming with HEPA-filtered machines to wiping down surfaces with microfiber cloths, in combination with ionisers and anti-bacterial air filters, these professionals understand how to capture and remove dust efficiently. They take extra precautions to minimise its redistribution and can capture up to 97% of the fine particle dust down to 30 microns in size.

Adopting preventive measures

Aside from regular cleaning sessions, experts and trusted house cleaners advise homeowners to take preventive measures to minimise dust accumulation. Recommendations may include:

  • Using air purifiers
  • Regularly changing HVAC filters
  • Implementing proper ventilation techniques
  • Using practical methods like microfiber doormats and implementing a “no shoe” policy
  • Make sure you only use HEPA-grade vacuum cleaners at a minimum

By tackling the root causes of dust buildup, homeowners can achieve a healthier living space that promotes their family’s well-being. Living in a dust-free house has immeasurable benefits, such as creating a sense of calm and peace and knowing that your home looks and feels spectacular. It also allows you to stretch your cleaning budget further by not having to clean as often or as intensely as the “dust-drop” effect has been largely eliminated.

Invest in your well-being with scientific Sydney house cleaners

Living in a dust-free environment enhances your home’s aesthetics and promotes good health and well-being. Dust accumulation can trigger allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems in the average home. By hiring house cleaners in Sydney who specialise in maintaining a clean and dust-free living space, you invest in your well-being and that of your family. Your house will look and feel incredible, a source of pride when hosting friends and guests.

In conclusion, in the battle against dust, we must debunk the myth that our house has dust because new dust continuously enters our homes from the outside. A significant portion of household dust originates from within, from the breakdown of existing materials and our inability to remove it and understand why. Dust recirculates and accumulates over time as it becomes airborne with rational cleaning approaches. To combat this issue effectively, homeowners in Sydney can rely on trusted house cleaners with the expertise and tools to create dust-free living environments. By investing in professional help, you can achieve cleaner air quality, reduce dust-related allergies, stretch your cleaning budget further, and enjoy a healthier home for you and your loved ones.


1800 CLEANER - Where cleaning meets science

Michael Sweet, founder of 1800 CLEANER |

Choose the non-toxic Inner West cleaners that have been keeping local homes healthy and dust-free for decades

Top reasons to choose the premier Inner West house cleaning service 

1800 CLEANER has built a reputation as the premier Inner West house cleaning service. 100% non-toxic and with a focus on scientifically removing fine particle dust, our 35-year reputation is exceptional. Maintaining a spotless, well-organised home can often feel like an unattainable dream in the relentless hustle and bustle of modern life. With the unending list of responsibilities, carving out time for thorough cleaning can be a daunting task. At 1800 CLEANER, we understand the demands of your busy life and the value of a clean living space. We’ll explore the many compelling reasons why you should consider the services of our professional Inner West cleaners to bring cleanliness and order to your home, making it a more inviting and comfortable place for you and your family. Best of all, we remove up to 97% of fine particle dust, allergens, and indoor pollutants down to 30 microns in size.

Time-saving convenience with conscientious Inner West cleaners

One of the primary reasons to hire a house cleaner in the Inner West is the time-saving convenience they offer. Life is busy, and juggling work, family, and other commitments can leave little room for cleaning chores. Hiring a professional cleaner frees up valuable time for more important activities, allowing you to relax and unwind. Our Inner West cleaners are trained professionals who know the best cleaning techniques and products to use. They can efficiently tackle the toughest cleaning challenges, leaving your home spotless and sparkling. Their expertise ensures that your home is cleaned thoroughly and in less time than you would typically spend doing it yourself. 

Customised cleaning plans 

Choosing professional Inner West house cleaners, such as those at 1800 CLEANER, goes beyond a routine service; it’s a personalised experience tailored to your unique needs. With our expertise, you can dictate your preferred cleaning approach, whether a thorough deep clean, regular maintenance or targeted attention to specific areas of your home that matter most to you. This flexibility ensures that your living space isn’t just cleaned; it’s meticulously curated to reflect your preferences and uphold your standards, turning your home into a personalised dust-free haven. 

Imagine your home as a canvas and professional cleaners as skilled artists, painting strokes of cleaning excellence to match your distinct vision. This bespoke approach not only guarantees a spotless home but also elevates your home maintenance experience to new heights. With tailored cleaning plans, you can enjoy the ease of a stress-free, uniquely cleaned home that resonates with your essence. 

Enjoy a healthier living environment

A clean home is a healthier home. Dust, allergens, and germs can accumulate in hidden corners, affecting the air quality and the health of your family. Inner West cleaners use effective cleaning techniques and products to eliminate these contaminants. This results in a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones. Life can be unpredictable, and maintaining a consistent cleaning schedule can be challenging. Professional cleaners will ensure your home is consistently clean, regardless of your busy schedule or other commitments. This consistency helps you to maintain a tidy and inviting living space. 

Regular cleaning and maintenance can increase its value if you own a property in the Inner West. A well-maintained home not only looks more appealing but also retains its value over time. When you’re ready to sell, a clean and well-cared-for home can command a higher price on the market. 

A messy and cluttered home can contribute to stress and anxiety. When you hire a house cleaner, you eliminate the stress associated with maintaining a pristine home. You can enjoy a peaceful and organised living space without worrying about cleaning chores. 

More quality time

By entrusting your cleaning to Inner West professionals, you can spend more quality time with your family and loved ones. You won’t have to rush through cleaning tasks or spend weekends scrubbing floors and dusting. Instead, you can focus on creating memories and enjoying the most important things in life.  You can contribute to a more sustainable and eco-conscious future by choosing green cleaning options. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for your overall well-being. A professional Inner West house cleaner can help you maintain this balance by taking the cleaning burden off your shoulders. You can concentrate on your career and personal life without worrying about the cleanliness of your home.

In the vibrant Inner West, the decision to hire a house cleaner transcends the realm of mere luxury; it emerges as a pragmatic solution, laden with a myriad of benefits that extend beyond the surface of cleanliness. Enlisting the services of a professional cleaner from 1800 CLEANER brings a time-saving convenience. It also becomes a catalyst for an elevated quality of life. Picture a home where the burden of cleaning is lifted, paving the way for a haven of tranquillity and order.


Embracing the assistance of Inner West cleaners isn’t just about a spotless abode; it’s a commitment to fostering a healthier living environment. These cleaning experts, affiliated with 1800 CLEANER, employ not only their skills but also industry-grade products, ensuring that your space is not only visually pristine but also free from allergens and contaminants.

The advantages ripple through the fabric of your daily life, offering you more than just a tidy living space. A professionally cleaned home, courtesy of 1800 CLEANER, becomes a testament to your dedication to a well-maintained property. This commitment, in turn, contributes to the increased value of your home. It’s a valuable asset in the competitive Inner West real estate landscape and should be enhanced.

Consider the gift of time regained as you entrust the responsibility of cleaning to the adept hands of 1800 CLEANER Inner West cleaners. The stress that often accompanies household chores dissipates, allowing you to reclaim moments for activities you truly cherish.

So, if you aspire to bask in the glory of a clean, stress-free, and meticulously organised home, the choice is clear – enlist the expertise of Inner West house cleaners from 1800 CLEANER. Your home deserves the finest care, and so do you. Elevate your living experience with the touch of professional cleaning excellence; after all, your sanctuary deserves nothing less.

1800 CLEANER House cleaning services par excellence

Michael Sweet, founder of 1800 CLEANER|



1800 CLEANER Sydney Spring cleaning

Dusty places at home worth paying attention to

Our home is our refuge, our temple. It is where we sleep, eat, love, wash, and share with our friends, and for many these days, where we work. But we need to realize that a significant amount of hidden dust is found in hidden places that we generally don’t see or pay much attention to. And that dust “leaks out” into the living environment, causing a host of issues. Dust is harmful to our general health and mental well-being. Only expert dust-focused cleaners like 1800 CLEANER list and focus on those spots we must consider when cleaning this hidden dust that cannot be readily seen. You can fix your dusty home by paying attention to the list we outline below.

  • Clean your Airconditioning filters

Air conditioners are generally hung on the walls; we must always remember to clean them and the dust that accumulates above and inside of them. This dust is impossible to detect from ground level. But the most important thing to consider is that the filters inside them are the number one dust collectors in your home, and it is essential to keep them clean and clean them regularly. They are metaphorically the lungs of your home.

  • Clean and dust ceiling fans

One of the most significant dust accumulators is the ceiling fans. With the help of the ladder, let’s clean each of its fins well. Remember that if you’ve never cleaned them, using the duster is not enough: using a damp microfiber cloth and a multipurpose product to remove the gunk stuck to their edges is key. Warm water and a scourer work best for really stubborn stains.

  • Clean and dust lamp shades

With a damp microfiber cloth and a multipurpose product, let’s clean our lamp shades well to keep them dust-free. Start with dusting, lightly at first, then progress to a proper moist microfibre wipedown.

  • Clean and dust bookshelves

Our libraries are an accumulation of books and objects stored for ages. How to clean away this annoying dust? Also, clean the sides, top, and back of your bookshelves with a damp microfiber cloth – this one is time-consuming but oh-so-satisfying.

  • Remove the dust from your frames: all of them

The frames of artwork, windows, beds, and doors are great dust receivers and go unnoticed. After using our duster, with a damp cloth, let’s clean that old dust that remains stuck on these intricate landing surfaces. They will look much brighter and more beautiful.

  • Skirting boards.

Skirting boards are permanent dust collectors and are a major eyesore in a dusty home. Let’s use our dusters regularly to keep them clean and intermittently a deeper clean with a damp microfiber cloth.

  • Make sure to clean the dust under your bed

Sometimes, we use the space under our beds to store boxes, suitcases, or anything we like but rarely use. Considering that our room is a space for daily use, this space becomes the perfect place to accumulate lint and dust. The problem is that it accumulates in significant quantities under there, and we don’t see it. Really go after this dust as it lives so close to where you sleep and is harmful to your health. Use your duster to agitate that hidden dust and then, with your HEPA vacuum, remove it from your sight and sinuses.

  • Carpets and rugs

Our dusty home gets dustier even quicker if we have a pet. Use your vacuum regularly and vacuum your carpet from end to end, especially in corners and edges, which are the areas where the most significant dust deposits occur. And go in two different directions to agitate the pile.

  • Top of the fridge

Some surfaces are difficult to reach, and the space where we put dishes and other kitchen objects is crucial – above the fridge. Get on a chair and clean the top of your fridge with a damp microfiber cloth and a multipurpose product. Clean the sides and underneath with your duster, shaking the dust and then collecting it with your vacuum.

  • Indoor plants

We love plants; they give life to any space where we place them, but remember that their leaves (full of pores), huge ones, are dust receptors. With a damp cloth, let’s clean its upper and lower parts.

  • Clean your blinds and curtains.

When you shake your curtains, you will be impressed by how much dust they accumulate. Please do this weekly to avoid dust accumulation on its entire surface. If, instead, we use blinds, we use our duster and then clean the dust with a microfiber cloth on all our blinds and their frames.

The tips described are a great help, but remember that a specialized dust cleaner with the proper equipment will know how to solve this issue most efficiently. Enjoy your dust-free life.



1800 CLEANER - Where cleaning meets science

Michael Sweet, founder of 1800 CLEANER |




Rosebery cleaners 2048x1365

Pre-sale cleaning – what you need to know

There is so much involved in selling your home. It’s important not to underestimate the importance of being able to depend on your pre-sale cleaners. This crucial decision can add tens of thousands of dollars to your final sale price.

1800 CLEANER have witnessed customers attempting to sell homes using a substandard cleaning company. Selling something confidently is impossible when we don’t feel good about the product. We’ve learnt from thousands of pre-sale cleaning situations that there’s an intelligent way to approach this essential part of the sales process.

Your pre-sale cleaners can deliver the best value by accentuating the home’s appeal to prospective buyers. A large part of buying a house is about how the home makes prospective buyers feel while walking through their potential new home. Selling your home is, thereby, not an entirely rational process. It involves supporting the potential new owners to imagine themselves living in the home as they move from room to room.



A high quality pristine clean is key

Our customers often tell us that our cleaning has transformed their homes and that it feels like they’re living in a different space. What is most significant about what 1800 CLEANER does is that we can remove all the fine particle dust and other invisible contaminants, impurities and irritants entirely from your house.

It can’t be underestimated what being in a dust-free environment feels like; even though we might not be fully aware of it, it is registered nonetheless. Another factor we can sense, albeit subtly, is how a home has been cleaned – has it been cleaned in a rush or with deep care and respect?

Our pre-sale cleaners are trained deeply in our advanced cleaning methods. And we treat all of our staff with deep care so that they can, in turn, show that same depth of care in your pre-sale clean. And when a potential buyer feels that, they’re even more likely to feel like this is the home for them.

The quality 20-point pre-sale cleaning checklist

All Rooms

1.  Close all windows, doors and entrance areas, minimise through-drafts, and prepare the premises.
2.  Thorough dusting of all ceilings, ledges, walls, blinds, ceiling fans, landing surfaces and windowsills throughout.
3.  Power-head HEPA-Vacuum of floors, stairs and carpets at commencement and completion.
4.  Clean all cupboard and drawer exteriors and interiors and mirrors throughout.
5.  Extract dust throughout all accessible areas by running a negative ioniser.
6.  Wipe clean all surfaces, light switches and skirting boards.
7.  Air Clean with HEPA-air and antibacterial air filtration.
8.  Hand clean of air vents and fans.


9.  Remove dust, grime and gunk on top of cupboards and clean the range hood.
10. Warm water scrub and wipe clean bench-tops, sinks, taps and grill tops.
11. Remove, clean behind, under and replace fridge (if fridge present).
12. Spray, scrub and wipe cupboard exteriors and interiors.
13. Clean and polish appliance exteriors.
14. Hot micro-fibre wash and dry floor.


15. Wipe clean sinks, vanities, taps and cupboard interiors and exteriors.
16. Scrub, wipe clean and dry shower and shower screens throughout.
17. Wash, clean, and disinfect toilets, inside and out.
18. Hot wash and wipe wall tiles.
19. Hot wash and dry floors.
20. Scrub and dry bathtub.

In conclusion, we recommend booking our 21-point clean, which includes the above list, and we also highly recommend window cleaning to accentuate the feeling potential buyers experience when imagining themselves living in your property. Getting us to shampoo your carpets is the final step to presenting your home in the best way possible. The only problem with cleaning your home this well is that you may no longer want to sell it!


1800 CLEANER - Where cleaning meets science

Michael Sweet, founder of 1800 CLEANER| WWW.1800CLEANER.COM.AU