The Sydney House Cleaners You Can Trust

1800 CLEANER – Why cleaner care is the solution to happy customers?

The vital importance of cleaner care and how taking care of our cleaners supports them in taking care of our customers.

In this interview, we dig deeper into what is happening in the residential cleaning arena. We talk about those subtle things that are so important but rarely discussed. There is much force upon cleaning services to be commoditised, yet customer dissatisfaction is increasing. This is a self-fulfilling cycle that creates much pain. This is particularly true in the residential cleaning space. The oft-heard saying, “It’s so hard to find a good cleaner?” is a difficult question with a logical answer that some people are unwilling to hear. The basic answer is that a great cleaner is a professional who can command top dollar, and the specific law that you get what you pay for holds. And cleaner care is critical.

The truth is that cleaning a person’s home exceptionally well is a rare and valuable skill. Talented people who employ a scientific system are worth their weight in gold and deserve great pay so that they, too, can have what the customer seeks—a great life with precious peace of mind. And so, cleaner care is a mandatory prerequisite for customer care.

So what is going on?

This fascinating interview unlocks the truth of what is going on in the residential cleaning industry and explains the subtle difference that can occur when the person who cleans for you cares for you. And the necessity for the customer to also care for the cleaner and the cleaning company. It’s a triumvirate of care that can’t be understated. And it can’t be ignored if true divine satisfaction is to manifest for both parties in this vitally important relationship.

That’s why those seeking cheap cleaners seem dissatisfied – that approach’s inherent lack of care. How can the exploitation of a person redound in them feeling settled enough to be calm and present and do a great job with positive energy? And how can an overly demanding customer expect so much when giving so little? It’s a set-up for disharmony that leaks out into the customer’s home and spills into their life. How can it not? Our home deserves to be our haven, yet the relationship between customer and client is not divine. When it is, miracles happen, and your home becomes a haven. When it does not, internal poverty is being bred, and indeed it becomes the opposite – a hovel.



Recommendations for Coronavirus

1800 CLEANER recommendations regarding the Coronavirus

Taking care of ourselves, our homes and our loved ones.

As Australia descends into lockdown following the precedents set by many other countries around the world, it’s important to keep our cool and take good care of ourselves. These cleaning recommendations are for you.

So how can we boost our immune system?

Before exploring the many ways we can boost our immune system, we need to eliminate, as best we can, those things that are harmful to our bodies and that negatively impact our resilience to microscopic viruses.

We spend most of our time in our homes, and now we will be spending extended periods there. So, the first step is to make our homes as healthy as possible, and this means removing the dust, contaminants, and impurities that have accumulated for many years.

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Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus - Dust Mite

How many little monsters are you sleeping with?

I introduce you to the not-so-humble house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. Cute, isn’t she?

In her prime, she will stretch no longer than half a millimetre. But that doesn’t mean she can’t do serious damage to us human beings. And she’s a breeder, reproducing at a rate of 60 new little house dust mites monthly.

Dr Matt Colloff from the CSIRO’s entomology department says they cause “Allergic asthma, rhinitis, atopic dermatitis – a skin disease” and that “approximately 100 million people at a conservative estimate worldwide may suffer from. All due to dust mites”. I’m unsure where he gets those figures, but I agree as a layman. I visit dozens of Sydney homes every week. To my eyes, dust mites appear to affect a very high proportion of the population. He says, ” Australia’s coastal fringe provides perfect conditions for hundreds of thousands of millions of mites per mattress”. Eeew.

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Adorable Baby Carpet Cleaning Sydney

Three home health benefits to carpet cleaning

Choosing a quality carpet cleaning service can be a real game-changer. Home or office cleaning is not the favourite weekend activity for many Sydneysiders. They would rather have professional Sydney home cleaners handle their cleaning needs. One of the most overlooked yet essential things for enjoying the beauty and comfort of our home is right under our feet – the carpet. Choosing the right carpet cleaning service is vital. The carpet adds a layer of comfort and beauty to the home while also taking in and holding a large amount of dirt and dust. This accumulates daily. It can affect the family’s health, leading to severe allergies and more subtle ailments that can affect our quality of life.

Carpet cleaning at home or in the business offers many benefits, including improved quality of life, reduced health risks, improved appearance and enjoyment, and a fresher, pristine feeling. Proper cleaning can also improve the lifespan and durability of our carpets. As such, there is a need to clean the carpets in the home properly and extensively, at least annually.

Carpet cleaning services improve our quality of life

The American Lung Association reports that household members are prone to conditions that affect their breathing, such as asthma, snoring, and more. These conditions may include panic attacks and sleeping difficulties, not to mention immune system issues leading to myriad other ailments. These issues occur when carpets and other dust-harbouring materials are not cared for regularly. Beyond regular vacuuming of the carpet to collect loose material, you should have a professional carpet shampoo clean at least once a year to deal with the ingrained materials.

If you are a homeowner and still unsure about the benefits of cleaning your carpets versus the costs, consider the following: Here are three ways carpet cleaning services can improve the quality of your life and lead to a healthier home or office space.

1. Eliminates trapped pollutants

A professional carpet cleaning service helps you eliminate the pollutants and microscopic allergens, pollens and pollutants stuck in the carpet pile. These have built up in the home or office’s carpet over time. The Environmental Protection Agency reported that a dirty carpet can retain several sources of indoor air pollutants. These include pet dander, cockroach allergens, lead, particle pollution, and everyday dirt and dust. These are capable of decreasing the quality of air in the indoor environment. In addition, the carpet can retain other sources of indoor air pollutants, such as the toxic airborne gases that are microscopically collected and transported through seemingly innocuous everyday activities, such as walking across the bridge over a polluted river.

2. Can clear out dust mite infestations

Several homes are predisposed to and exposed to dust mite infestations. We are most often not aware of them because of their microscopic nature. Although dust mites aren’t allergens, they most often leave behind faeces in the carpet, along with body fragments that are irritable and can affect the air quality in the home and be highly allergenic. Having a professional carpet cleaning service care for your carpet using a technique known as carpet shampooing can dramatically reduce dust mite populations in your home and office.

3. Can help prevent mould growth

Mould growth in the home can cause a wide range of health conditions and contribute to several health challenges. Dirty carpets harbour dirt, debris, and moisture, providing microorganisms with the environment they need to grow. A professional carpet cleaning service company handling your carpet cleaning needs helps you reduce the risk of such microorganism growth.

Cleaning your carpets should be a priority.

Call 1800 CLEANER or reach us via our contact page.