The Sydney House Cleaners You Can Trust

1800 CLEANER – Why cleaner care is the solution to happy customers?

The vital importance of cleaner care and how taking care of our cleaners supports them in taking care of our customers.

In this interview, we dig deeper into what is happening in the residential cleaning arena. We talk about those subtle things that are so important but rarely discussed. There is much force upon cleaning services to be commoditised, yet customer dissatisfaction is increasing. This is a self-fulfilling cycle that creates much pain. This is particularly true in the residential cleaning space. The oft-heard saying, “It’s so hard to find a good cleaner?” is a difficult question with a logical answer that some people are unwilling to hear. The basic answer is that a great cleaner is a professional who can command top dollar, and the specific law that you get what you pay for holds. And cleaner care is critical.

The truth is that cleaning a person’s home exceptionally well is a rare and valuable skill. Talented people who employ a scientific system are worth their weight in gold and deserve great pay so that they, too, can have what the customer seeks—a great life with precious peace of mind. And so, cleaner care is a mandatory prerequisite for customer care.

So what is going on?

This fascinating interview unlocks the truth of what is going on in the residential cleaning industry and explains the subtle difference that can occur when the person who cleans for you cares for you. And the necessity for the customer to also care for the cleaner and the cleaning company. It’s a triumvirate of care that can’t be understated. And it can’t be ignored if true divine satisfaction is to manifest for both parties in this vitally important relationship.

That’s why those seeking cheap cleaners seem dissatisfied – that approach’s inherent lack of care. How can the exploitation of a person redound in them feeling settled enough to be calm and present and do a great job with positive energy? And how can an overly demanding customer expect so much when giving so little? It’s a set-up for disharmony that leaks out into the customer’s home and spills into their life. How can it not? Our home deserves to be our haven, yet the relationship between customer and client is not divine. When it is, miracles happen, and your home becomes a haven. When it does not, internal poverty is being bred, and indeed it becomes the opposite – a hovel.




What is it about slime? And how to clean it!

What is it about slime? Why is it that at a certain age, usually around 6 or 7 or so, kids become obsessed with the stuff? First, they want you to buy it, then they want you to make it, then they spill it over everything. They seem to love it so much that you can’t say no to slime without leaving them forlorn, broken-hearted and seemingly and dramatically impacted for life. And how do you clean slime after this obsessive slime stage has run its course?

So what to do when that slime spills onto your lovely beige rug? How to clean slime.

Or when it finds its way onto your favourite shirt? Or worse, accidentally falls smack bang in the middle of your brand new sofa? Fear not, because as bad as a slime stain looks on the first appearance, it is not always definitely permanent. This is  particularly so if you can get to it sooner rather than later. We can clean slime.

In my own case, I endured the slime phase on three separate and distinct occasions with three daughters. How can a dad say no to those cute little faces? I remember at one point incrementally spending $120 to try and save money on a $15 jar of slime. Craziness. Anyway, no matter how many promises or how many precautions we took, the slime would invariably end up anywhere it shouldn’t. Yep, on the carpet, on clothes and my personal favourite, in long hair! Now we have fluorescent slime and colourful emotional meltdowns all bundled together in the one perfect home-spun symphony!

So, when you scour the net you will find many different tactics for waging war in the aftermath of an errant slime party. For me, the caveat on all of these remedies is are they toxic? Aesthetics are an important consideration in removing slime, but even more important is to make sure the cure is no worse than the disease. That means non-toxic remedies are the only ones that we will be considering here. 

After all, it’s the ongoing health and well-being of our little angels that matters the most. They will be bringing joy into our world for many years after the thought of having to clean a slime stain has faded.

Best non-toxic remedies to keep in mind and how to use them


  • My favourite, and in my experience one of the most effective ways to deal with fresh slime is the humble ice cube. As soon as you see that slime stain, get a piece of ice onto it. You may want to use gloves with this one.  It can get cold rubbing that ice cube into the slime stain. After about 10 – 15 minutes it should be sufficiently frozen. Then you can scrape it off in frozen chunks, and vacuum it up before it melts again.

This has remarkable results when the slime is not acidic. But if you have any ingredients in the slime that are caustic or on the extreme side of the PH scale, you may find that there are no remedies as a stain is a stain. It’s all about whether or not the molecular structure of the affected fibre in question has been damaged. If it’s permanently damaged in this way, it’s like trying to wash away a scratch on a car. Only a magic wand can work such wonders.

  • Another non-caustic method that I recommend is a mixture of vinegar and water. Mix one part warm water with two parts vinegar and get scrubbing. Spray this mix onto the stain, and then scrub at it with a soft brush.  Work the fibres from all angles in small circles. Do this for a little while before drying it with absorbent paper.
  • Another method to keep in mind is dish soap. I recommend a plant-based dye-free dish soap, which works wonders with warm water. After the initial clean or two with dish soap does the trick, it’s a good idea to rinse it with straight water to remove the final residue the dish soap will leave behind. I like to work this one with a nice big thick old rag. I keep dunking the rag and transferring the muck from the carpet onto the rag and then from the rag into the water and then cleaning the water and staring again. Follow this procedure until the water remains clear and you know you’ve got it all. That section of carpet may now look a little weird as it is so clean compared to the surrounding carpet. At night glows!


The final thing to note is that the most important thing is to get to that slime quickly. It is considerably easier to deal with it when it’s fresh. It’s important to appreciate that when your kids go through their slime phase, it is practically impossible to guarantee you won’t get some slime on something. So if it happens, and it probably will, be prepared and try to show your kids how when stuff goes wrong it’s not the end of the world. People are much more important than things.

We breathe, we deal with it and we get on to enjoy the day with loving energy. After all, this is the true gift that slime offers to a family. Quality time together and precious memories of parents who love and laugh and care.





Michael Sweet, founder of 1800 CLEANER |



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Seven home organising tips for busy bees

As a residential cleaning company operator with over 70,000 cleans completed, we’ve seen the following organising tips work wonders in the lives of hundreds of Australian households. We’d like to share the secrets to clearing your house of clutter. And how to clean it better with less effort so your family can enjoy the full life you deserve.

Being well organised is so important to living a full life. It allows us to declutter our mind and to be present more often. To enjoy fully the beauty that surrounds us on this magical planet. Even more important is to be present and in a positive state of mind for those precious moments with loved ones. Being organised in our lives not only helps us to enjoy these moments more, but more importantly to ensure we have more such moments to enjoy.

Here are our 7 top tips for organising your home 

1. De-cluttering

With modern life keeping us so busy it’s important to be organised so as to have things run smoothly. It’s easy to run on adrenalin and to rush busily from one task to the next. In the meantime things accumulate around us for sorting out “later”. Until later comes, we’ve found putting loose items into clear clutter boxes is the best first step. Decluttering has several simultaneous advantages. It quickly clears the space of clutter and provides a clear window to easily discern where the item we seek is. This approach energetically motivates us to take on the clutter in bite sized pieces over time. This is a better approach than to never starting due to overwhelm.  Overwhelm naturally confronts us when dreading such a herculean task. A journey of a million miles starts with the first step.
Take it!

2. Cleaning the house

Once the clutter is in clutter boxes, you will find your energy will slowly start to return. Now is the time to clean the house. You can hire a cleaning service or do it yourself. Either way your focus needs to be on removing as much of the fine microscopic dust as you can in one fell swoop. If you hire a cleaning service make sure you get a list and that the cleaner you use is one that comes recommended by someone you know and don’t necessarily trust online reviews, these are easy to fake. If you decide to do it yourself remember to breathe and just do one task at a time. Learn all about dust-free living in order to cut down on cleaning time by removing fine particle dust from your home with an annual spring clean. Wait for a windy day when you can create a through-draft to carry the fine particle dust out. Start with the dusting, then the wet areas, then the wiping, then the vacuuming and then the mopping. Nice and easy. A clean house will make you feel better and energise you for the tasks ahead. Pat yourself on the back. You’ve already done the heavy lifting so feel good about it and be happy with yourself.

You’re awesome!

3. A spot for the keys

Often in the mad rush to lurch from one thing to the next, it is not uncommon to put the keys down here, and our wallet down there and then when we are rushing to get out of the door to find they seem to have disappeared into a black hole. When we are in the process of implementing these sequential organisational steps it’s important to arrange a clear space that we get in the habit of putting important items into so they don’t get lost and we can start to move in and out of the house more seamlessly with less stress. This will ensure we are rarely late and we will increasingly feel great about things which is perhaps the most important part of all of these tips; to generate higher and higher levels of self-love. In the later stages of this process when your house is habitually clean and de cluttered the keys and the wallet will stand out on the open surfaces wherever you choose to put them, but until then we need to work with where we are at in the process and this step is important at this stage.

You’re halfway there!

4. Use the space

Vertical space in the home is an opportunity to create more space on the ground. Open areas are not only easier to keep clean and de cluttered but they also provide a lovely open feeling of space which translates into more space in our lives. This can be achieved by creating, using and utilising wall space to neatly stack these items that bring us joy. Solid wall wardrobes are great for putting our de-clutter boxes into so they’re out of sight and mind until we find the time and space to rationalise, categorise and arrange them later in this process. This can take years so be patient and just take on the whole pie with small mouth sized pieces over time. This way you can actually enjoy the process. So don’t take on all of these organising tips at once, but rather one at a time. Throwing away things we don’t need and treasuring those items we decide to keep by folding, collating and neatly stacking them is a beautiful process when we’re present and not in a rush.
And boy it looks good when you survey the fruits of your labours.
Enjoy the process!

5. Organise one thing at a time

It’s a psychological truism that when we look at the entire mountain we can get stuck in inertia and fail to take that crucial first step. This is why the climb to Everest is best started with the walk to base camp. Just get to base camp, then reassess and decide where to go and what to do from there. That’s how it is with these organising tips. Organising your home is not a sprint, it’s a marathon so start easy. Pick one corner and start. Then pick one clutter box and rationalise it. Throw some things out. Collate items into sections and then start to enjoy the sorting process. This is such an important orgaining tip. As things become clearer everything becomes clearer including the choices of what to put where. From little things big things grow and after a while your home and the energy inside of it will start to transform. You will start to experience more stillness, less stress and magically you will seemingly have more time. That’s actually happening because we are wasting less time and are becoming more efficient as the organising process takes root in our lives and repetition forms healthy habits. We feel less stressed and our immune systems also improve. We sleep better. It is a self-generating loop and the more energy we stop wasting the more energy we have to create more energy.

Form the habit!

6. Stack, store and label

Now we’re getting the final two organising tips, the end is within sight. Once your storage system starts to find momentum and becomes more sophisticated you will find that in the act of stacking the clear storage boxes out of sight you can label them in categories so as to be able to find what you need quickly and effortlessly. The great thing is that once you find the bulk of items in your house are now in their right place you can start to look ever more closely at the items in your boxes and start on the road to minimalism. The central question to ask is do we really need all that stuff? Are these things called possessions because they can actually possess us? The heart of the matter is that when we start to live more simply and to see clearly the societal trend towards orchestrated consumerism and the freedom that we enjoy when focusing on nature and family and life; the less unnecessary items we have cluttering our homes and our lives the better. And the best part is that a minimalist home is much easier to clean and to keep clean and there are less places for dust to hide.

Make it fun!

7. Time to relax ~ Me time

Now that the vast majority of hard work is done and you feel like you’ve got more time and energy, it’s the point where you focus on the most important thing. Yourself. This is perhaps the most important of all these organising tips. It is easy to confuse selfishness with self-love and there really is a big difference. As Dr Jordan Peterson says “treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping”. So what is it you like? What makes you feel good? Is it a warm Epsom salt bath with lavender oil on a lazy winter’s afternoon? Or is it an early night and a great sleep to kick off the new day? Perhaps you love to watch the sun rise over the ocean or to take a romantic stroll along the beach with your favourite person. Whatever it is, it’s very important. As part of the process put yourself as a priority and love your life.

Life’s so precious!

Michael Sweet is the founder of 1800 CLEANER, contact us today if you need help organising your home. 


How to find a good cleaner

How to find a good cleaner? We take a closer look at the top ten issues and outline how to solve them.

Family life in Sydney is busy. Families are often overwhelmed by the time-consuming things they must do every week, and cleaning is at the end of the list. Fair enough, it’s a difficult chore and one that can feel like Groundhog Day. Yet having the family home tidy and clean significantly enhances our quality of life. So the oft-asked question is, “How do I find a good cleaner?”

This is one reason why so many families in Sydney outsource their cleaning. Yet, the satisfaction levels with the available cleaning services are often frustrating. But how do you find a good cleaner, and how can you ensure their cleaning service remains consistent over time? Before jumping to the solution, we need to analyse the problem.

1. Issue one – Price

The first thing to know about cleaners and cleaning companies is that many compete primarily based on price. This leads to many cleaning service operators trying to get the sale by offering a low price to clean your house when you request a quote. Once they are in the place, they often over-service the customer on the first couple of cleans, but then they claw back their profits by reducing the amount of time they spend in the home, which decreases over the long term. Subsequently, the quality of service is also reduced, and roughly 40% of customers will stick with these cleaners for longer than they should due to inertia. Most cleaning companies make a business out of retaining this subset of customers and doing quick cleans with many cleaners and a high staff turnover.

The truth is that a great cleaner will have options to do all other sorts of work. Therefore, a good cleaner will expect to be well-paid, meaning that great cleaning and excellent value for money do not often correlate with “cheap”.

2. Issue two – Chinese Whispers

It is standard human nature that when we receive less service than expected, we like to clarify and communicate our expectations to the front-line staff providing the service. In this case, those people are the ones cleaning our homes. Many cleaners do this work not out of choice but out of necessity, often because their skill set does not always enable them to do higher-paying jobs. Often, English is a second language, and they can feel embarrassed that the Australian accent can be challenging to understand. Hence, when clients ask them to remember this and that, their reflex response is to nod as if they get it when they haven’t. Some of these souls are in survival mode and just trying to survive the moment.

Time and again, these things are not completed, and the solution seems to logically be to try and tell them again with more energy, which can create a frustration and resentment spiral, which is not great energy to come home to.

3. Issue three – Cleaner turnover

This issue is closely linked to issues one and two above, as price-driven economics lead to low client and staff satisfaction levels and regular staff turnover, which the service provider often exploits. It’s frustrating for clients to have to retrain these staff themselves and each subsequent cleaner only to have that intellectual property disappear with the new face randomly cleaning their home on each successive visit. The best companies take great care of their people, and that’s how they can help you find a good house cleaner you will love.

4. Issue four – Customer expectations

Clients who expect low prices and high-quality cleaners need to consider their expectations. It’s like having the budget to buy a Holden Commodore but wanting a Ferrari. The Ferrari salesman will have none of it, and neither will a high-quality cleaner in high demand. Quality costs a little more; a great job is the ultimate value proposition.

5. Issue five – Hourly rates

It’s natural to want a great clean at the most economical price, but you rarely see a bead of sweat from a cleaner paid by the hour. They will naturally drag the job out. So, how do you compare quotes? Well, it’s not straightforward nor easy, and not all cleaners are created equally, use the same equipment or follow the same method. However, comparing hourly rates works on the assumption that all cleaners provide a homogenous service. They are not. Some are fitter than others. Some care more than others.

A few follow a system, are intelligent and hardworking and take pride in their work. To complicate matters, there are cleaner award rates. So the temptation becomes to pay cash. But what about insurance? We get what we pay for in life; when we pay peanuts, we get monkeys, which is an unavoidable truism.

6. Issue six – Fine particle dust

This one is perhaps the most perplexing. It involves microscopic dust particles so fine that the naked human eye can’t even see them. It’s the dust that we sometimes see the glitter in the shaft of sunlight when we move the curtains in the morning. When disturbed with traditional cleaning methods, this dust goes airborne and can stay suspended for up to five days, finally resting when the cleaning effort is finished. And so it circulates, accumulates, and frustrates ongoing cleaning efforts, often without us knowing it. But we can feel it, and it subconsciously feeds that frustration of never having the house very clean. Getting rid of the dust is half the battle when trying to answer the question of how to find a good house cleaner.

7. Issue seven – Method

Most cleaners clean without a strategy. Some clean simultaneously as part of a gang, each carrying out their cleaning function and getting in and out quickly like a swat team. Others clean room by room. Some clean with a dry cloth, and others use the same dirty mop head from one house to another. There is no method to this madness, and that’s the problem. Cleaning is just another challenge that can be solved with intelligent thinking and a well-thought-out plan. So rather than expect your cleaners to know what they are doing, ask them. What’s your cleaning method?

8. Issue eight – Energy

The subject of energy is the most intriguing and potentially the most confusing issue. It’s also a paradox. A dirty and dusty house sucks away our energy. And we need the energy to clean effectively. A practical and productive cleaning session and the subsequent clean home will feed us energy. We also need to have a method and a strategy to make our cleaning effective, focusing on clutter and dust extraction. All of this probably feels like hard work, and it’s easier to grab the duster and get cleaning yourself. Yet ironically, the energy we invest in getting everything correct will feed back more energy by reducing the amount of energy we leak out by cleaning unproductively. Not an easy concept to get your head around, but a crucial one indeed.

9. Issue nine – The cleaner is king

It’s another paradox that both parties lose when we have a one-sided power struggle in any relationship. It is ironic in the case of cleaning, but meeting the customers’ needs requires us to focus first on meeting the cleaners’ needs. A happy cleaner makes a satisfied customer. It’s a relationship of equals, and both parties must be pleased with the other. The best and longest-lasting customer/cleaner relationships are where both parties work together towards a win-win situation. That way, the cleaner does all those things expected consistently well on every visit. They also imprint the house with lovely energy that families can feel, and the cleaner can drive home with a big smile, a warm heart and a stress-free life.

10. Issue Ten – Clutter

Clutter makes cleaning so tricky. It collects dust and stagnant energy and can be the bane of a consistently clean house. Your cleaner will usually go around it, creating “dead zones” in the home that create a stagnant feeling of “stuckness” that gets in the way of effective and efficient cleaning.

Phew! Finally, the solutions.

Make sure you get a list of what will be cleaned for your agreed price. Ensure you get a 24-hour guarantee that this is what you will be getting. If you don’t get it, what are the repercussions for the cleaning service provider, and how will they rectify it? Provide photos. Get this in writing when getting your quote and hold them to it. The list and guarantee are crucial to finding a good house cleaner.

The fundamental stress of communication is removed by having a job sheet that does not rely on people’s interpretations of language and the trap of “he said/she said.” Instead, commit to it in writing and ensure both parties agree to it and can be added to and amended by mutual consent over time. This should be controlled and administered by the operations manager of the cleaning company, who has agreed to it in writing. Pay for the job as detailed by the list, not by the hour. Whether it takes all day or is done instantly by a fairy godmother with a magic wand, it is the result you should be paying for, not the time it takes.

How to find a great cleaner? Great work deserves a fair price

Pay your cleaners well and ensure they are happy to work for the company as you want the same person for a long time. Ask the operator what the average length of stay is for their cleaners. Check your expectations, especially if you feel like you are constantly changing cleaners and never finding what you’re looking for. Are you expecting a sultan’s job on a pauper’s budget? Is this even possible? We need to be self-aware as the days of good cheap cleaners are a thing of the past. Respectfully, if you’re not getting satisfaction over time and using multiple suppliers, the pattern could have more to do with the customer than the cleaner. We advise paying the full rate for the finished job as articulated on a list and ensuring the cleaner shows you their insurance.

Dust is harder to deal with, but your cleaner needs to have an answer for this. How will they deal with the microscopic dust? Do they even think about it? Have they got a logical method? Do they dry wipe or use a wet washing method when they clean? Are they cleaning room by room, or are they using a system? How does their system work? There must be a method, or you are paying partly for unproductive labour. How do you feel when dealing with the operator? Do you like their energy? Do they feel honest?

Ask questions and seek proper answers

Ask questions, and if you’re not satisfied, move on. This is a long-term relationship and first impressions matter. Prod and probe and ask every question you can think of. And expect them to answer patiently. When the cleaners arrive, treat them well. Make them a coffee. Be kind and care about their wellbeing. This way, they will care for you if they are decent people. If they are not, you will soon know if your side of the street is clean. This is a key component in answering the question of how to find a good cleaner.

Don’t ignore the clutter

Lastly, the hardest part is dealing with the clutter. The aim is to become minimalist to enjoy the most productive and cost-effective cleaning relationship. There is no doubt that cleaning a cluttered house is challenging, time-consuming, and unproductive.

We can become so emotionally attached to stuff that it’s hard to deal with and can feel like a mountain to climb. You don’t need to throw it all out in one herculean task or one big confronting and emotional weekend. As with all big jobs, deal with it piecemeal. Make one small step and then rest. Put the clutter in boxes.  Then, stack it against a wall in an out-of-site back room. This clutter in the boxes can be dealt with slowly over time when you have the energy. The energy that will be released by having the other areas of the house cleaned will be easily redeployed to deal with the clutter piecemeal later. Be gentle with yourself. And don’t accept second best, keep going util you;ve found a great house cleaner.

So our advice in a nutshell when it comes to how to find a good cleaner is;

  1. Get a list
  2. Agree to the price
  3. Have a 24-hour guarantee
  4. Get it/put it in writing
  5. Work to/from an agreed to job sheet
  6. Pay for the list, not by the hour
  7. Pay a little more for consistent quality
  8. Check your expectations
  9. Deal with the dust
  10. Reduce clutter levels

We hope this article helped you to answer the central question of how to find a good house cleaner.

Michael Sweet founded 1800 CLEANER and has been cleaning for over 35 years.


Recommendations for Coronavirus

1800 CLEANER recommendations regarding the Coronavirus

Taking care of ourselves, our homes and our loved ones.

As Australia descends into lockdown following the precedents set by many other countries around the world, it’s important to keep our cool and take good care of ourselves. These cleaning recommendations are for you.

So how can we boost our immune system?

Before exploring the many ways we can boost our immune system, we need to eliminate, as best we can, those things that are harmful to our bodies and that negatively impact our resilience to microscopic viruses.

We spend most of our time in our homes, and now we will be spending extended periods there. So, the first step is to make our homes as healthy as possible, and this means removing the dust, contaminants, and impurities that have accumulated for many years.

Read more

Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus - Dust Mite

How many little monsters are you sleeping with?

I introduce you to the not-so-humble house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. Cute, isn’t she?

In her prime, she will stretch no longer than half a millimetre. But that doesn’t mean she can’t do serious damage to us human beings. And she’s a breeder, reproducing at a rate of 60 new little house dust mites monthly.

Dr Matt Colloff from the CSIRO’s entomology department says they cause “Allergic asthma, rhinitis, atopic dermatitis – a skin disease” and that “approximately 100 million people at a conservative estimate worldwide may suffer from. All due to dust mites”. I’m unsure where he gets those figures, but I agree as a layman. I visit dozens of Sydney homes every week. To my eyes, dust mites appear to affect a very high proportion of the population. He says, ” Australia’s coastal fringe provides perfect conditions for hundreds of thousands of millions of mites per mattress”. Eeew.

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