HERO#033 ~ Team

The far reaching effects of employing a cleaner who deeply cares

Cleaners who care – and how to find them

We have come to use the word ‘cleaning’ without truly discerning the enormity of what it actually means and the impact that it has. Most of us see cleaning as a chore, something that needs to be done, often rather begrudgingly on the weekend. Most of us would rather be doing something else but do it because it ‘needs to be done’.

When we do get around to cleaning, we often do it in a hurry, moving from room to room in an automated way and skipping the bits that we deem as being ‘too difficult or too boring’. We say to ourselves that we’ll dust the blinds next time, that we’ll tackle the stove later and that we’ll ask our partner to clean the tops of the cupboards when they’ve got more space; but those moments often never come. Consequently, the areas that we deem as being ‘too hard’ or ‘too boring’ to clean remain neglected, which means that we’re living with pockets of neglect all over our home.

How we clean matters

Does it matter? Well actually yes it does because something in our bodies registers the fact that we’ve chosen to leave those areas dirty and the only thing that can actually erase the feeling is to either clean them ourselves, ask someone else in our household to clean them, or to employ a cleaner.

Have you ever tried to get a teenager to clean their room? If not, then I can vouch for the fact that it’s a painful process that often involves a lot of emotion, struggle, bargaining and at worse, blackmail and threats. If you do manage to get them to clean their room, it’s often done with resentment, and a liberal amount of ‘can’t be bothered to do it properly’ energy.

Again, this arises the question, does it matter? And again, the answer is, well yes, absolutely it does. And the reason being is that the energy in which something is done is significant. Eat a meal that has been thrown together by someone that doesn’t care, compared to eating a meal that has been prepared by someone that loves the entire process from shopping for the ingredients to placing the plate on the table and your whole body registers the difference. Look at a person who has taken great care to get ready in the morning, compared to someone who has rushed to get ready whist half asleep and again your whole body registers the difference, not just your eyes. Cleaning is no different.

Enter a space that has been cleaned out of necessity with a liberal sprinkling of resentment, compared to a space that has been cleaned with deep care, a care that borders on reverence and your whole body registers the difference, even if you yourself don’t register it consciously.

There are cleaning companies and cleaners and then there is Michael and his Team of Carla, Fernanda, Maria and Fran …what can I say in a class of their own. Punctual, professional and the difference their cleaning method makes is nothing short of miraculous. My home looks and feels brand new, literally sparkling….

I had no idea how much dust was “clouding” our lives until it was removed! Home looks and feels fabulous. I only wish I had found 1800 CLEANER sooner!

Kristy C., South Coogee

Our cleaners deeply care

Did 1800 CLEANER consciously set out to attract cleaners that have an inbuilt level of deep care? No, in all honestly we didn’t. It’s only in the last 6 months that it has become apparent that for whatever reason 1800 CLEANER seems to have magnetically pulled cleaners who are nothing short of extraordinary. These girls genuinely LOVE TO CLEAN and what has become apparent is that the reason they love to clean is because they love to care very deeply for the people and families that they clean for.

As the Operations Manager I receive feedback all of the time and yet still I am blown away at the depth of gratitude that the team receives about the level of care that they are cleaning with.

Fernanda cleans our house once a fortnight and is punctual, discrete and leaves beautiful personal touches, including arranging our shelves and folding blankets and towels in a way I would never think of. The house is always left sparkling and spotless.

Fernanda often cleans when I’m working from home but is so quiet I can’t believe she is here. This is the BEST cleaning company and a shout out to Alexis who explains all the cleaning packages and checks in to make sure we’re satisfied. Lovely to have such personalised attention 🙂  Congrats to all of your for offering such a flawless service!

Fran – South Coogee

Incremental improvements over time is key

Not only that but the team is continually spiralling upwards; when I pass on the feedback from clients, the team often say that the feedback motivates them to do an even better job next time. It’s truly incredible to be part of what is unfolding, it feels almost magical.

I titled this article “The far-reaching effects of employing a cleaner who deeply cares”, because employing a cleaner who truly cares means so much more than simply having a clean home. To have someone in your home who has cleaned everything with a deep sense of care, who has touched the items in your home that you are going to come home and touch, with care, makes a real difference. Our bodies register vibration.

Two towels might have been folded to look identical and we might pass it off as insignificant that one has been folded in a rush and the other has been folded with love but you know what, when we dry ourselves after our shower our bodies naturally discern the difference. And you may think that I’ve gone too far now and that’s ok, I’m not looking to convince anybody with what I’m sharing but my gentle suggestion to you, is why not feel the difference for yourself, because it is only through the discernment of our bodies that anything is truly known.

Alexis Stewart – Operations Manager

Alexis Stewart tells of the benefits of working with 1800 CLEANER

How to contact us

Call 0434 377 597

You will need a registered ABN.

Girl cleaning bathroom and enjoying the many benefits of working with 1800 CLEANER

The benefits of working with 1800 CLEANER in Sydney

A company whose quality comes from it’s depth

It’s not possible to produce a product or a service of quality unless all stages leading up to it’s production or delivery are also born from quality.

1800 CLEANER have not set the above as our mission statement and tried to engineer our business to fit the statement, the statement has come as a natural reflection of how our company has developed.

There are so many benefits of working with 1800 CLEANER that stand out as exceptional, not that these values should be exceptional but having worked across many environments for the last 40 years, I can unfortunately vouch for the fact that they are.

Michael Sweet, our CEO is a humble man who spends five days a week cleaning with the team. There is no hierarchical structure within our company, in fact as one of Australia’s leading cleaning companies, we place more importance on our incredible cleaners than any other role within the company.

But back to Michael. A CEO that cares very deeply about each and every person within the company. A man who patiently nurtures the team, a man who is always available to whoever in the team needs something and perhaps the most incredible part of all, a man who is forever open to looking at his own part in anything that needs closer inspection.

We work together – in harmony

And it is the part that I have just mentioned that is the absolute gold within 1800 CLEANER. We don’t operate as individual silos that are on permanent look out for how we can glorify ourselves or ‘get ahead’ of our colleagues. The entire team operates as a glorious whole that understands that the service that we provide is one of brilliant excellence born from the fact that we work collaboratively. Everyone understands that no one role is more important than another.

Which leads me to share that everyone within the 1800 CLEANER family holds harmony as a non-negotiable quality. Now does that mean that there is never any disharmony? Nope, absolutely not, but what it does mean is that when disharmony is felt, it is called out and to the best of our ability we discuss it and it’s the discussion itself that often dissolves the disharmony. Any kind of tension relies on it’s ability to stay hidden because it knows that when brought into the light, the light will start to dissolve it.

At 1800 CLEANER confirming the qualities of each other is a natural part of our working practice.

Effortless flow

This is something that has not been written anywhere or dictated to the team that they must do, it is something that flows effortlessly between all of the staff. It is a latticework of love that serves to confirm and lift each one of us to higher and higher levels of relationship as well as working practices. I say ‘working practices’ however, in truth there is no division between our work, home and social lives. I take the gold that I experience at work into all and every area of my life; bar none. Life is not a patchwork of segmented lots, it is one harmonious whole and it is only by realising and living this that we will start to move our way back to a way of being together that is rich beyond measure.

Perhaps the most incredible part of all of what I have shared is that none of the above has been planned, thought about or engineered, it has been and continues to be, an organic process that has unfolded without any need for conscious direction. In fact I feel that any effort to consciously engineer the ‘company culture’ would have simply been interference.

What is on offer for the staff who work for 1800 CLEANER is huge. A way of working together that is not only harmonious but one that offers constant evolution without any need to even consider that that is what is happening.I can assure you that there is no navel gazing within 1800 CLEANER, not even the slightest downward glance!

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of working for 1800 CLEANER, we would love to hear from you

So if whilst reading this, something in you has been ignited. If there is a part of you that is standing to attention then get in touch. You might not even know what role you could fill but that doesn’t matter, we’re co-creating the company together, we would LOVE to hear from you.

Alexis Stewart – Operations Manager

Please attach your resume

Submit your resume with references for Alexis’s attention by completing the form below. Please email [email protected] with a brief description of your qualifications for this role, including your availability to work.

How to contact us

Call 0434 377 597

You will need a registered ABN.