The following terms and conditions set out the details of our relationship with you (our client) and describe your responsibilities and rights when you engage our services.

These terms and conditions are worth reading and putting into practice to make your cleaning experience with us not only simpler and more effective, but more enjoyable for you and our team of experienced and dedicated cleaners.

Booking policy and payments

Full payment for your cleaning service is required at the commencement of the job. A credit card is required to hold a booking. We will apply the charge for your clean 48 hours (weekday hours) before the clean takes place for regular 12-point cleans and 5 full days’ notice for spring cleans (weekday hours). We reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee or rescheduling fee if you cancel or reschedule within a 48-hour time frame for regular 12-point cleans and 5 full days for spring cleans under our terms and conditions. (More details are in our cancellation policy below.)

Describe your home accurately for an accurate quote

For us to provide you with an accurate quote under our terms and conditions, you need to provide us with an accurate description of your home. It is important that you give us a guide to the number and type of rooms, including bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets, sunrooms, offices, gyms, rumpus rooms, kitchens, bars etc. We also need to know the number of levels if you live in a free-standing home, villa or townhouse. If you live in a unit, please let us know the level and if a lift is available for our cleaners.

We also need to know if your home includes additional structures. (More details are in the separate structures clause below.) If you do not fully disclose the size and specifications of your home, 1800 CLEANER reserves the right to adjust the quote at the commencement of the cleaning. This increase will accurately reflect the increased number and type of rooms, and you will be informed of the change in price.

**Please note for the Mini-Spring clean or 12-Point clean**
If the level of dirt and grime is excessive, if dust levels are extreme, or if there is residue from building/renovation works, and this has not been accurately disclosed, 1800 CLEANER reserves the right to upgrade the clean to a 21-Point clean or a Builders/Renovation clean. This will be discussed with you at the time of the cleaning, and the additional fee will be deducted from your nominated credit card at the commencement of the appointment. Under our terms and conditions, if you decide to cancel the appointment now because of the quote amendment, a cancellation fee of $250 will be incurred.

Exclusive, designer, unusual/exceptional homes

It is important that you let us know if your home has unique architectural elements, is built to a larger scale or is exceptional in any way. This will allow our team of cleaners to bring the correct equipment and resources to clean your home to our usual, high and time-efficient standard as well as provide your quote accurately under our terms and conditions.

Separate structures

Please inform operations if you have a separate structure, including a granny flat, studio, pool house etc that you want to have cleaned. The separate structure will be quoted separately. As per the main house, a separate quote will be provided based on the number and type of rooms present in the separate structure under our terms and conditions.

Should an unquoted separate structure be present on your property when our cleaning team arrives, there are two options available.

  • You can choose to honour the original quote, and only the main quoted structure will be cleaned, or
  • A second quote will be provided, and only if time permits the separate structure will be cleaned. Please note that our cleaners have a high minimum standard that takes time to achieve. They are also very busy, so rather than do a rushed/compromised job, they may need to reschedule the clean for the separate structure.

If you decide to cancel the appointment as a result of the quote amendment at this time, a cancellation fee of $250 will be incurred.

Getting started with us

We always commence with the Mini-Spring or 21-Point clean, or, in the case of building/renovation works, a Builders/Renovation clean, under our terms and conditions. These cleans are essential and establish the base from which our regular cleaning service operates by removing up to 97% of fine particle dust (down to 30 microns in size) from your home.

These cleans set us apart from most other cleaning firms and are why we maintain such a high standard of care and service. To offer less than this is a compromise we are unwilling to make.

Regular services booking policy

After a Mini-Spring, or 21-Point clean, 1800 CLEANER offer the 12-Point maintenance cleans, fortnightly or weekly. 12-Point Cleans maintain the level of dust extraction provided in the Mini-Spring, or 21-Point clean.

We will work closely with you to book a cleaning day that is suitable for yourself and our hardworking team of cleaners. We seek to optimise their efficiency by reducing travel across our busy city, so we ask that you offer some flexibility with these regular appointments. Once your regular cleaning day is established, we will do all we can to ensure that your appointment is honoured on the day scheduled to the quality of your service list.

Under our terms and conditions, we cannot accurately predict arrival times due to; cancellations, traffic, lunch breaks, additional services added to jobs and other factors we have little control over. To ensure your cleaner has a seamless day of cleaning and your appointment is completed in the quality you are buying, please ensure you provide us with a key or alternate access on your cleaning day. (Please see providing a key clause for more information).

Annual Spring cleaning

We strongly recommend that an annual Mini-Spring or 21-Point clean is carried out for regular customers. The purpose of these cleans is to remove the fine particle dust that accumulates behind furniture and in other areas of the home. The dust is generated by the furniture and furnishings and comes from the atmosphere. The annual Mini Spring clean is more than a valuable investment in both your home and your wellbeing. It ensures that dust levels are not allowed to build up again and makes the regular cleans more time-efficient and effective.

Dust extraction

Our cleaning processes will extract and loosen a lot of ‘dormant’ dust. This is the dust that acts as the source of loose dust that affects our homes and must be removed to make your home as dust-free as possible. Much of this dust will settle on your soft furnishings and beds/bedding. We will remove as much as possible, but some dust will remain after this process. We recommend that you change and wash your bedding after dust extraction cleans. It is very helpful if you place a dust sheet over your soft furnishings before the clean. This can be folded in on itself and washed to contain the dust.

Quality Guarantee

We stand by the quality of our service and the dedication of our cleaning team. Our ethos is based upon providing not just a surface clean, but a healthier home for you and your family. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the service you have received from us, please let us know within 24 hours of the time the clean was delivered as per our terms and conditions. This communication needs to be in writing and emailed to [email protected]. The complaint must be phrased in decent language.

Abusive and/or degrading language will not be tolerated under our terms and conditions. The complaint must relate to the delivery of the service that was booked. For example, if you booked a 12-Point clean, only services that form part of the 12-Point clean are subject to complaint. Please include photographs. We are always happy to review complaints with you and discuss outcomes which may include another clean of items at no charge. It is a requirement of our complaints process that photos of the complaint be provided within 24 hours of the clean completion.

Communication Procedures

Communication can be made through the following:

Email: [email protected]

SMS: 0434 377 597

Phone: Call 1800 CLEANER (1800 253 263)

Accepted forms of payment.

We require a credit or debit card. Payments will be processed 48-hours prior to your appointment time.

We do not issue to-be-paid invoices, nor do we offer any form of credit. We do provide a paid invoice upon the completion of the payment.

If extra services are required at the time of the appointment, for example you ask for window cleaning or extra points cleaning, this will be calculated at an hourly rate, and you will be quoted. If you accept the quote and the extra cleaning service is carried out, your credit/debit card will be debited for the amount that was quoted.

** Please note:

By providing 1800 CLEANER with your credit/debit card details, and booking the service, you are agreeing with these terms and conditions, and authorising 1800 CLEANER to deduct the payment without notice. No payments will be deducted that are not rightfully owed.

Our service Commitment to you

If we are unable to attend your cleaning appointment on your scheduled day, you will be notified as soon as possible. We will do everything possible to ensure your clean goes ahead. However, there are rare occasions when your clean will need to be rescheduled under these terms and conditions.

Cancellation and rescheduling policy

To cancel a 12-Point clean: 48 hours minimum notice is required. The cancellation is to be made by SMS or email. Cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice will incur a late cancellation fee of $100 under our terms and conditions. If, for whatever reason, 1800 CLEANER is notified less than 12 hours from your appointment time or is not notified at all of your cancellation, you will be charged in full for your cleaning service. To cancel a Mini-Spring clean, 21-Point clean, or Move-Out clean, you must give at least 5 days’ notice by SMS or email. Cancellations made with less than 5 days’ notice will incur a late cancellation fee of $250. To cancel a Builders/Renovation clean: A minimum of 5 days’ notice is required under our terms and conditions.

The cancellation is to be made by SMS or email. Cancellations made with less than 5 days’ notice will incur a late cancellation fee of 10% of your quote. To reschedule a 12-Point clean: This is very difficult to do with our very tight operations schedule. It is possible that you will need to wait until your next scheduled clean under our terms and conditions. We will do what we can to accommodate your needs. The more notice you give us, the more likely it is that we can schedule a new date.

To reschedule a Mini-Spring clean, 21-Point clean, Move-Out clean or a Builders/Renovation clean: If you want to do this within a 48-hour period of the original appointment time, an additional $250 rescheduling fee will be applied. For commercial clients: we require four (4) weeks cancellation notice for regular bookings, or a cancellation fee of 10% of your quote will apply.

Providing a key

To allow us to book your cleans on a regular basis, with maximum convenience to you and our cleaners, we ask that you provide us with unimpeded access with a key/keys to your home and/or a lockbox or security keypad access. If you cannot provide a key, it increases the probability of your home not being accessed for cleaning on the allotted day. If you do not provide a key, you need to be present at your home for the entire day, as unforeseen events may delay our cleaners from arriving at the exact time. Therefore, if you are not able to be home at the time the cleaner arrives, this will be treated as a late cancellation and billed accordingly. Our cleaners will not wait for you to arrive as they have very tight schedules.

Your keys will be security-coded. A duplicate will be made and securely held at our head office. The duplicate key will only be used on an emergency basis. For example, your usual cleaner is unwell, and another cleaner is required to clean your home. Both keys (the original provided by yourself and the duplicate) will be destroyed within 4 weeks if you cancel your regular cleaning service. The key is destroyed by having the cuts and bitting cut off and given back to a locksmith to be melted and reused.

If you would like your copy of your key returned upon cancelling services, the best way is to give notice so you have a final appointment where your cleaner can leave your key at the end of the appointment, or we can have your cleaner deliver your key back to your home for a small fee of $15 + GST.

Access to your home

It is our policy to arrive at your home after 8 am and to have our works completed by 4 pm.

For 12-Point regular cleans, definitive arrival times are not possible for many reasons, including but not limited to extra work necessary at other jobs, heavy traffic impacting travel times and other unforeseeable circumstances.

Help our cleaners do the best possible job

Cleaning requires a lot of care, focus and attention to detail. Our team of cleaners are highly trained professionals who work to a very specific order and have an established workflow that ensures your clean is thorough and complete. Strict adherence to workflow ensures the highest quality result that you receive and have come to expect from us.

We prefer that you are not present when your home is being cleaned. This gives our cleaners unimpeded access to your home and thus allows them to put our complete dust extraction protocol into practice. 

If you are present, please do not distract our cleaners or interrupt them in a way that impacts on their workflow.

Examples for your consideration:

  • If you have tasks such as furniture deliveries, items to build or special children’s or pet’s activities, please schedule them on a non-cleaning day. If they occur whilst the cleaner is on-site, their ability to clean your home will be compromised.
  • If you are working from home and must participate in an online meeting, the workflow for your house will be disrupted. Our cleaners will have to miss the room in which you are holding/participating in the meeting.
  • If you are using the bathroom or having a shower, the same applies. They cannot wait for you to finish tasks in these rooms. And so they will not be able to clean your bathroom on this cleaning visit.
  • Do not engage our cleaners in conversation. They are at work, and they need to focus. In essence, your premises are their office. And so apply the same principles of non-distraction with our cleaners as you would do with work colleagues.
  • Ensure all communication of complaints, additions to job sheets and finessing of cleaning to support your home is made through 1800 CLEANER operations and not your regular cleaner.

The Mini-Spring clean, 21-Point clean, Move-Out clean and the Builders/Renovations cleans require the home to be unoccupied and available from 8.00 am until 4.00 pm.

If you are home, it will disrupt our workflow. Moreover, this will slow the process down as well as placing yourself at risk from inhaling the dust that is disturbed during the process.

*** If you are home on the day of the Mini-Spring clean, 21-Point clean, 1800 CLEANER reserve the right to charge an additional 15% to the client. This fee covers the additional time your physical presence will add to the clean.


Our team are not at your home to tend to your pet’s needs. Moreover, it is not their responsibility to handle your pet’s toileting or other needs. This includes letting them into and out of the house under these terms and conditions.

You are responsible for the behaviour of your pets. And for the safety of our cleaners when they are on your property. Your pet may behave well for you, but they may become anxious or aggressive around our cleaning staff. Please be aware if this is the case and manage your pet accordingly. Dangerous animals need to be locked outside for the duration of the clean. Our cleaners reserve the right to leave your property if they feel unsafe in the presence of your animal.

Parking for our team

It is a requirement that you provide parking for our cleaning team. This is from the beginning until the end of the scheduled cleaning. This parking needs to be close to your home/ dwelling as the equipment our staff must carry is heavy.

If no parking is available, then our team will use available on-street parking.

Parking fees in metered areas will be added to your invoice at the discretion of the cleaner. If the cleaner has to spend longer than 10 minutes finding a park on the street and/or, longer than 10 minutes is required to walk to your appointment with equipment, the cleaner will apply $15 + GST per quarter hour (15 minutes) to their invoice and we will pass on that cost to you as a condition of these terms and conditions.

If parking proves to be too difficult in your area at the time of a scheduled clean, 1800 CLEANER reserve the right to cancel your clean and you will receive a full refund.

1800 CLEANER – Cleaning methods

We clean function by function and not room by room. Moreover, this method paired with the service list for your particular clean booked removes fine particle dust in the most efficient and effective way.

It also means that we need complete and have unimpeded access to your home for the Mini-Spring clean, 21-Point clean, Move-Out clean and the Builders/Renovations cleans.

Wear and Tear, and damage to items

1800 CLEANER teams are highly trained and will do all they can to take care of your property and valuable items. If you have items that are fragile or physically compromised, we suggest that you carefully store them in a safe storage place before cleaning. When and if these items are too large to move or store, then please mark them as fragile. Please use  a sticky note or similar and our team will clean them with care, or not at all. If a weak, fragile, or damaged item breaks during the course of normal cleaning, we reserve the right to dispute any claim for damages.

In a situation in which we agree that excessive or inappropriate force was applied to an object, and it breaks, we will pay an appropriate and fair amount of damages.

Sensitive surfaces in your home

These include marble, granite, delicate tiles, special paints, and highly polished surfaces.

Our products have been carefully created and tailored to 1800 CLEANER and they are non-toxic and diluted with water. Some of them are slightly acidic in nature which may pose a risk to highly sensitive surfaces. It is your responsibility let us know if you have sensitive surfaces in your home. This includes surfaces that scratch or mark easily, or may react to cleaning products.

If you prefer to avoid the risk of damage to these surfaces, we can agree to clean them with water and microfibre cloths only. In this case, cleanliness and hygiene will be compromised. Ultimately, the choice to clean only with water must be made by you, the client.

Further, if you have sensitive surfaces and choose to use our cleaning products, the responsibility for the outcome is borne by you, the client.

Valuable and delicate items and heirlooms

We value your precious objects. But the responsibility for making sure they are not damaged is borne by you, their owner. We strongly recommend that delicate items are placed by yourself in a cupboard the morning of cleaning. This guarantees that such items are kept safe from inadvertent harm and breakage. 1800 CLEANER strongly recommends that you take small expensive items such as jewellery with you.  Or place them in a safe or other lockable storage on the morning of your cleaning. This will avoid any tension or distress if these items go missing. In over 80,000 cleans, we have never had a single theft incident.

Discoloured grout from mould and mildew

Grout is a highly porous substance. Mould and mildew will penetrate the surface causing discolouration at a deep level. 1800 CLEANER do not use toxic damaging chemicals so not all staining from mould or mildew will be removed. The surface will, however be made clean – even if some stains remain. During the Spring cleans, we pay extra attention to removing mould from grout. This involves scrubbing with the use of our non-toxic bathroom cleaning product. We will make an additional charge if Mould removal takes 15 minutes of additional cleaning time.

We ask clients to manage their expectations in regards to mould. Mould often causes physical damage to surfaces which often cannot be improved with cleaning alone.


Excessive clutter compromises our ability to provide a high standard of cleaning. There are several options we will apply to cleaning a home with a lot of clutter:

  • Floor clutter will be placed on a bed, lounge, or other surface to allow for vacuuming and/or mopping.
  • Clutter on desks, mantlepieces, desks and benches will be stacked against a wall. This is done in such a way as to maximise the surface area for cleaning.
  • Severe levels of clutter will be cleaned around. It is not the job of our cleaners to manage excessive numbers of objects or mess.
  • Dirty dishes, pots and pans will not be washed by our cleaners. Dishwashing is not a part of our contracted agreement with you. Dirty dishes will be stacked in your sink after your sink has been cleaned.

Please do your best to reduce clutter before our cleaners enter your property. Please stack excessive objects on your bed or place them away to facilitate our cleaners in doing their job. It is your job to return items moved by yourself or our cleaners to their original position on the floor.

If your levels of clutter are extreme, an additional fee may be charged to cover the extra time. Extra clutter charges are $15+ GST per 15 minutes of time required.

Job sheet system

We work from a job sheet that starts with the service list of your booked clean.  The Mini-Spring, 21-Point, 12-Point cleans etc. Any items not listed as points on the service list will need to be added to your job-sheet. These are added as additional points with detail of what additional items you would like completed. We require you the client to provide the exact description of the extra points you require in writing. Please send to our operations manager – [email protected]. Unless provided by you in writing we can’t guarantee addition and completion of any extra points on the cleaning day. Extra charges will apply for these additional added points ($15 + GST per 15 minutes required). The workflow of your cleans is precisely planned on the basis of your job sheet.

Alterations to your job sheet including additions must be sent to us in writing 48 hours before the scheduled service time so that your workflow can be adjusted to accommodate the change. 

Please submit changes to us by email. Please note that additions to your job sheet may incur increased charges. These will be discussed with you prior to the commencement of the job.

Additional services cannot be added on the day of the clean.

Arrival and finishing times

We always endeavour to be on time for all appointments. Our exact arrival time at your home may be influenced by unforeseen circumstances. We will not arrive before 8.00 am and will have works completed by 4.00 pm. We make every effort to complete your clean on the scheduled day. The time of your scheduled clean is indicative only and subject to change as a result of unforeseen events. Such events can include but are not limited to heavy traffic, accidents, and incidents. You should not use the time on your job sheet as a precise time promise. It is an approximation arrival window. Whereby the cleaner may arrive up to 2 hours or so either side of this time approximation.

Our policy is that we will not enter any premises before 8.00 a.m. And our works will be completed by 4.00 pm.

Finishing times cannot be guaranteed as each cleaner works at their own pace. They are trained in the same methodology. The aim of which is to provide you with maintenance of a dust-free house. This includes clean wet areas (kitchen, laundry, and bathrooms); dusting, wiping vacuuming and mopping throughout.

Assigned cleaners for the regular 12-Point cleaning service

We always do our best to book the same cleaner for your regular cleans. We know that having a regular cleaner is very reassuring for a lot of people. That’s because they get to know you and your home so well.

There will be occasions when it will be impossible for us to provide the same cleaner. We always ensure that our cleaners are trained to the same exacting standards that our company is renowned for. We also take technical job notes regarding your premises’ particular features and preferences. These notes are made available to the new cleaner to ensure continuity of care.

Advertising and photography policy

As part of 1800 CLEANER’s ongoing promotion of healthy living, we occasionally take photos of our customers’ homes. These include before-and-after photos and “cutie pie” of the month photos of customers’ pets with our cleaners. Occasionally, we take team shots, dust extraction photos and videos, and other videos and photos of our work. If you prefer that we do not take such photos and/or videos, please advise us by emailing [email protected] before cleaning day.

Move-Out clean specifications

Moving out is a trying time for everyone and can be very stressful. However, there are some important considerations regarding a Move-out clean that must be observed.

  • Home contents and rubbish must be moved out of the premises by the time the cleaner arrives to commence work. This includes the contents of all cupboards. It interferes with their workflow if you are still moving objects and/or furniture at the time of the clean.
  • Free access to the property must be guaranteed for the duration of the clean. Our cleans are very likely to last for several hours. Interruptions such as property inspections will not be accepted, the clean will be terminated, and a cancellation fee charged.
  • Our cleaners will not clean up food scraps, nor will they wash dirty dishes. These items are the responsibility of the owner/tenant of the premises.
  • Our cleaners are not engaged to deal with clutter, hoarding or other issues pertaining to excessive items in your premises. If you have excessive clutter or a hoarding problem please tell us. We can arrange specialist services to be engaged to manage the type of clean-up required. Please advise your operations manager of any specific and special needs well in advance of your cleaning day.

Specifications of the Move Out clean include:

  • Removal of dust on ceilings, walls, picture rails, and skirting boards
  • The wiping of all open surfaces including light switches and internal mirrors,
  • The wiping out of all cupboard and shelf surfaces,
  • The cleaning of all kitchen surfaces including ovens
  • The cleaning of bathrooms and laundry areas (wet areas)
  • The vacuuming of all hard and carpeted floors and the hot washing of hard floors.

This is done to the standard required by the rental bond board for tenants to reasonably expect to get their entire bond back. That is not withstanding any damage which needs to also take into account standard wear and tear. The three things that are not included in this clean but can be included as additional extras are as follows. The inside of the oven, carpet shampooing and window cleaning. These three additional items are only required if they are in considerably worse condition than when you moved in. However double check your rental contract and if required we can add these to your service.

Please note that 1800 CLEANER will conduct this clean to the highest standards however does not provide a bond back guarantee either explicitly nor implied. This is between the agent and the tenant.

This clean includes a small amount of wall cleaning. However, if there are excessive marks on walls, a separate wall cleaning service can be conducted at an extra charge.

Please be aware that any issues regarding the clean must be communicated in writing with accompanying photos to the company within 24 hours following the clean.